Monday, July 03, 2006

Day 6 - So this is my family! (Double click for add'l pics)

Monday, July 3rd
I'm ready for the in person test!
Where to start? We had a little scare this morning! Rylee woke up at about 6:30am and started complaining about a tummy ache. We tried to get her to eat a little breakfast, but it must have really been bothering her, because she would not eat at all. Finally, at about 8:45am gave her some Pepto....she wanted to go lay down on the bed...the next thing we knew she was asleep. She slept and slept....I was really worried about her, but 2 1/2 hours later she woke up---just in time to go to the baby house to see Landen. She said she was feeling a lot better. Let's hope that is the end of the tummy aches!!!

Our driver, our attorney, and our coordinator picked us up at 11:40am. We then went to pick up the lady from the City Department of Education. She will come to observe several of our visits to build a case for the judge. Her job is to make sure we are fit parents and are bonding with Landen. She was so nice!....and she LOVES Rylee. She was telling us about how much she loves to swim and go rafting, and is taking a trip to Russia this summer and will be spending time in the mountains.

Yeah!!! We get two visits with Landen today. The first visit went great! When we got to the baby house, Lena told me that I could go up to Landen's playgroup and get him. I was sooooo excited that I got to go get him. When I got to the doorway he was in a little walker and looked at me like "Hey, I know you!" One of the caretakers got a diaper and a change of clothes and handed them to me along with Landen. It felt so good to have him in my arms again! When we got to the playroom, I got to put a diaper on him for the first time....and yes, he was dressed in pink again! We had a full room for about 10 minutes. The lady from the Dept. of Educ. came right in and immediately picked up Landen and started throwing him in the air and playing with him. She immediately commented about how much she thought he looked like Bobby, and that we are very lucky because he seems to be such a good, healthy baby. (She does not have to tell us how lucky we are....we most definately know we have been overly blessed!)
She asked that we take some photos of all of us together and then advised that she had to leave. We then got to play with Landen by ourselves. He seemed to be into Mama today, which made me very happy. He was content just to sit on my lap. If I placed him on the floor he would start to kind of whine. Hopefully, he is starting to get a little spoiled! :-) He loves for Rylee to play peek-a-boo with him and act as if she is going to "get" him. He just smiles and smiles and starts to laugh when she plays with him. After about 1 1/2 hours we decided to go outside. We were afraid that it was going to be too hot, but in the shade it was actually very pleasant. There seems to be a constant breeze here which helps in the close to 100 degree weather. We went to one of the tiny playgrounds for the babies and I just held him and talked to him while he looked around and watched Rylee and Bobby play. He seemed to enjoy being outside. He was so content just to be held.

After our visit we went to Svetlana's office (our attorney). We had a quick meeting and then went back to the apartment for a quick rest and a little lunch. was time for our second visit!!! It was sooo nice getting a second visit!!! Once at the baby house, all of us got to go get Landen in his group. It is so sweet going to get him and seeing his entire group. All of the babies just look at us, and there is one little girl that is just so cute. She always looks at us and gives a huge smile. I don't know if she is available for adoption, and I am afraid to ask because I am afraid it would be too hard to leave her behind....anyone interested? J/K........
OK .....back to Landen. Rylee was very excited to be able to go get our angel. They quickly put a diaper on him and dressed him---no pink! This is a first! Then, they put him in a baseball cap. It was so cute!! Barbara, he just very well be a baseball player! Bet he can't wait to get a hold of that bat and ball!

He had such a good time outside earlier today, we decided to go outside for this entire visit (we only get an hour in the evenings). We were very excited to see our American friends playing outside with their son and 2 daughters. Rylee was able to play with the girls for a bit. There were several other families there visiting with children. It was neat to see other children out. We quickly sought shade under one of the covered areas, because it was so hot! Did I say it was HOT! It is supposed to be 104 degrees tomorrow....Whew!!! We had a great visit. We found something new Landen likes.....water....more water...bottle of water. He watched Rylee get some water out of a water bottle, and we decided to give him a taste. He loved it! He did not want to do anything else, but drink water. We were afraid to give him too much, because he spits up so easily. He watched that water bottle the whole time. We finally gave it to him to play with. At the end of the visit we started to show him some photos of our family, friends, and our house. He really got into them! Every time he saw a picture of Rylee he would point to her. He was taking in every photos and studying them. He looked at every single one...we could not believe it! Before we knew it was time to go...we were able to take him back to his group. He saw that there were bowls of food, and we were quickly forgotten. He could not get his eyes off of the bowls. He is gonna fit right into this family! It is obvious this boy likes to eat. We quickly kissed him good-bye until tomorrow! It is getting harder and harder to leave him!

After our visit we went to a bookstore and bought some maps of Kaz and Pavlodar and a few children's books that are in Russian and English. Then we went to the market for a few items. We are now back in our apartment, and Bobby is about to go to the cafe to post this...(we figured out that we can write our blog and then save it on our flash card and then post from that--saves $$ at the cafe). Please pray for Rylee, she is having tummy aches again! Until tomorrow!!! (by the way,we will try to post tomorrow evening, but we are supposed to go ice skating and may get back too late----if we do we will post the next morning which will be the evening time for you) We send love to all of you!


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